
Besides filling permanent positions, Legal-Partner also offers interim solutions.

This tipically implies:

  • Tactical/strategical positions
  • Projects
  • Replacing of legal professionals, whom for whatever reason need to be replaced as soon as possible by an interim professional
  • The interim jobs often have an international nature
  • Depending on the need of our principal and the availability of the interim-manager, the workload usually is 3-5 days per week, during a period of approximately 3 to a maximum of 18 months.

Legal-Partner only works with self-employed interim managers (ZZP). They all have a proven track record as interim Legal Manager, - advisor and/or specialist.

Above all, the quality of the procedure and finding the best fitting candidates are key. Besides that, it is of the upmost importance that the candidate is available at short notice and is able to perform at the right level immediately.

Interim pool

During the course of years, Legal-Partner has built a very extensive pool of experienced interim legal professionals, all who consciously choose for interim positions. They all have been interviewed and have proven skills and an excellent track record.

Legal-Partner makes a quick analysis of the situation and the wanted proposition at our principal. If desired, this can be presented in a short and concise summary. This summary with the specific project description can then be confidentially shared with a few qualified, available professionals from our interim pool. Most request for interim solutions are met within the short period of a few days to a week.

Due to time pressure, an accelerated procedure, is usually started directly.

Because we can draw from our up-to-date interim pool of experienced and qualified professionals, we are almost always able to generate an excellent tailor made shortlist within 24 hours.

During the interim process our consultant will support the interim-manager and the principal. The consultant will keep track of the progress and planning of the interim process. At the end of the process the consultant will evaluate the quality and content together with the interim-manager and the principal.


Nieuwe Uitleg 15
2514 BP The Hague

+31(0)70 360 69 90